The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

It seems a lifetime ago since graduation, leaving the Lion Ambassadors, and moving on to explore the world... and so much has happened in my life. At first, I pursued my M.A. in Applied Psychological Research at Penn State. However, after being inspired by my final class, in which we designed a prevention program I changed majors and transferred, getting my M.S in Public Health at Walden University and working on my PhD in Public Health, Community Education and Health Promotion track. I am currently writing my dissertation wherein I am conducting a Mixed Methodological Exploration of the Facilitators and Barriers in the Gap of Research to Practice Transference Related to Community Level Violence Prevention. I have been working with the American Public Health Association and the PA State Department of Health. Currently, I am taking a sabbatical from work to write my dissertation and spend two years with my family in Heidenheim an der Brenz, Germany. However, our permanent residence is still York, PA and we will return there in August of 2010. In the last two years we added two sons to our family, and my daughter who is 10 years older than her brothers is very happy to have a bigger family (as am I). I love to stay connected to my fellow alumni and you can find me on almost any of the social connection sites: LinkedIn, Myspace,Facebook. WE ARE...